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Galaforce Worlds

Bonus Galaxy: RE-INVASION
Loading Guide

1. Run the Galaforce Worlds game.

2. On the main menu screen, click the Configure button.

3. Under the heading CUSTOM GAME GALAXIES, click the Select button.

4. In the file list, click RE-INVASION.GWL.

5. Click the Select button at the right-hand side of the box.
The message LOADING GALAXY will be displayed.

6. You may want to reset the high scores - by clicking the Clear Scores button.

7. Click the OK button to return to the main menu screen.

8. On the main menu screen, click Play to start the new galaxy.

Good luck, commanders!

To return to the original galaxy:
On the main menu screen, click the Configure button. Under the heading CUSTOM GAME GALAXIES, click the Clear button. (Now you may want to reset the high scores - by clicking the Clear Scores button.) Click the OK button to return to the main menu screen, then click Play to start the new galaxy.

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